
Friday, August 16, 2019

happening here?

Hokey Pokey

We used a chemical reaction between 
Image result for hokey pokey]Image result for syrupImage result for baking sodaImage result for sugar
What chemistry is happening here?

We mixed up sugar and syrup and added baking soda to it. When the baking soda molecule is heated it disintegrates and reforms as CO2 which is a gas. The CO2 gas is what is in the bubbles that's in the hokey pokey

This is a Baking soda molecule. It is made of Carbon, Hydrogen , Oxygen and Sodium (NA)
Image result for baking soda moleculeImage result for carbon dioxide molecule
This is carbon dioxide molecule.
It is made when the Baking soda molecule Breaks down.

 By Aaliya P

Thursday, August 8, 2019

How to make a good comment!

How to make a good Comment.

1.If someone writes about something like (Statue of Liberty) and you’ve
seen it or read about it then add some of the facts you know to your
comment like (How old it is) or (How tall is it).

2.Make sure you check the comment section so that you know no one else
has written what you are about to write.

3.To make the comment better you should have a connection with the writer.
You can make a connection with the writer by telling them about something
that you’ve done that similar to then writers post. For Example
(You see someone that has written about a camping trip so you could
write something about a camping trip you went on.

4.It is always good to add a relevant question to the end of your comment
to try and get a conversation going. For Ect
( Someone writes about a ladybug and you want to know something about
their lifespan or the colors they come in then ask)Maybe the writer will

5.Don't forget to proof read your comment before you post it make sure your 
comment makes sense and your punctuation is correct and you have spelt
all your words right.